Like in most of our previous issues, I like to mention few things about this issue. The current 11th issue of the Eurasian World marks the end of the fifth year of the publication of our journal. Yet, everything is so fresh and we feel like we have just started. Our readers’ continuing interest in the Eurasian World is certainly the most central factor that keeps our enthusiasm alive and boosts our motivation.
Secondly, this is the second issue of the Eurasian World that we are covering the Russia-Ukraine war, still continuing, alas, with an increasing intensity. As the war passes its eight-month mark, the shock and inconceivability of what is happening still haunt minds. The bloodbath, humanitarian tragedy, and the adverse consequences of the war on the global scale - first and foremost, the food and the energy crises - are some of the unfortunate byproducts of the war. There is yet one other reason why this war threatens the future of the humanity. This is the plausibility of a nuclear war. Materialization of this possibility will be a catastrophe not only for the European peoples, but the human civilization as a whole.
We are distressed by the setback in silencing of the guns in Europe and the failure in reaching a peaceful solution. Yet, we still like to express our hope that wisdom and prudence will prevail eventually.
These thoughts led us to reserve a large part of this issue to the developments related to the Russia-Ukraine war and their implications. Hence, the first five articles that discuss various issues related to the war are presented to the attention of our readers.
It is our ardent hope that peace and serenity will be established in Europe and the world until we meet again with our next issue.
“Uluslararası Sorumluluk Hukuku ve Rusya’nın 24 Şubat 2022 Saldırısı,” Doç. Dr. Hakkı Hakan Erkiner
“Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşı ve Kyiv’in Batı’ya Yönelik Söylemi,” Fethi Kurtiy Şahin
“As Russia-Ukraine Conflict Drags On, Can Türkiye Develop into a New Global Supply Chain and Logistics Center?” Assist. Prof. Ali Oğuz Diriöz
“Balkanlarda Değişim ve Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşı Etkileşimi,” Gözde Kılıç Yaşın
“Ukrayna-Rusya Krizi: Latin Amerika’daki Tepkiler,” Doç. Dr. Kubilayhan Erman
“China, Russia, and Attempts to Build the ‘Eurasian’ Order,” Dr. Emil Avdaliani
“Avrupa Birliği-Orta Asya İlişkilerinde Türkiye: Genel Bir Değerlendirme,” Prof. Dr. Pınar Köksal
“A Symbol of Brotherhood: The Results of a 30-Year Cooperation Between Türkiye and Kazakhstan,” Dávid Biró
Hakkı Hakan Erkiner (Assoc. Prof., International Law, Law Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye)
Fethi Kurtiy Şahin (Research Assistant, Area Studies Doctorate Program, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye)
Ali Oğuz Diriöz (Assist. Prof., International Entrepreneurship Department, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Türkiye)
Gözde Kılıç Yaşın (Scholar in Residence, Center for Eurasan Studies (AVİM))
Kubilayhan Erman (Assoc. Prof., Independent Researcher)
Emil Avdaliani (Dr, European University, Tbilisi, Georgia; Director of Middle East Studies, Geocase, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Pınar Köksal (Prof. Dr. Political Science and Public Administration Dept., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye)
Dávid Biró (PhD Student, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)