Avrasya Dünyası / Eurasian World - Sayı / Issue: 12

Avrasya Dünyası / Eurasian World

Number : 12
Year : 2023
Price : 110.00 TL

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Editor's Note

Our old planet was first shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2022. In addition to the loss of lives that counted in hundreds of thousands in many countries around the globe, big economic losses were also eventuated. The long periods of quarantine resulted in a decrease in the production and increased unemployment. Most consequentially, the global supply chain was battered and the international trade and economy took serious hits.

While production of vaccines was helping to wipe Covid-19 off and hopes were rising consequent to improvement of the global economy, Putin appeared on the stage and waged an offensive against Ukraine. The war that broke out in February 2022 caused death, terror, and devastation in a continent where a war that defies the contemporary civilization and all the achievements in international law was least expected. This war, regrettably, still has not ended.

Since our 10th issue, we have been examining different aspects of the Ukraine-Russia war. We continue doing the same in the 12th  issue of our journal, too. Hence, the main body of this issue is reserved for the articles that focus on various facets of the Ukraine-Russia war. We submit the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th of the 10 articles of this edition, which are on the Ukraine-Russia war to your discretion. We hope the war to come to an end soon so that we will no more allocate our pages to this tragedy in our next issues.


“Post-Cold War Japan's Security Policies: Leaving the Yoshida Doctrine?” Doğukan Baş

“Uluslararası ve Bölgesel Gelişmeler Bağlamında Doğu Akdeniz Deniz Yetki Alanları Krizi,” Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayşe Küçük & Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Tuğçe Kafdağlı Koru

“An Analysis of the EU Foreign Policy Goals on Belarus,” Elterişhan Elçibey

 “Nine Years of the Russia's War of Aggression Against Ukraine: What Ukrainians are Fighting Against and What Should Be Done to Restore Peace,” Mykola Zamikula

“Ukrayna-Rusya Davasına Üçüncü Devletlerin Müdahillikleri: Siyasi Dayanışma Hukukun Önüne mi Geçiyor?” Dr. Öğr. Gör. Onur Uraz

“The Weimar Russia: How Eastern and Western Europe See the Post-War Moscow,” Dr. Jakub Korejba

“Küresel Dönüşüm Süreci ve Ukrayna-Rusya Krizi’nin Latin Amerika ve Karayipler’deki Etkileri,” Doç. Dr. Kubilayhan Erman

 “Fransa’nın Güney Kafkasya Siyasetinde Ermenistan’ın Yeri,” Tutku Dilaver

“China and North Korea: The Uneasy Partnership,” Hossein Ebrahim Khani

“Yeni İpek Yolu Alternatifleri Karşısında Türkiye’nin Tutumu,” Doç. Dr. Ali Oğuz Diriöz & Gizem Aymış


Doğukan Baş (PhD Student / Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science and International Relations, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Türkiye)

Ayşe Küçük (Assist. Prof., Political Science and International Relations Department, İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, Türkiye)

Tuğçe Kafdağlı Koru (Assist. Prof., Political Science and International Relations Department, İstanbul Gelişim University, İstanbul, Türkiye))

Elterişhan Elçibey (Independent Researcher, Ankara, Türkiye)

Mykola Zamikula (Expert, Centre for International Security, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Onur Uraz (Assist. Prof., International Law - Public Law Department, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye)

Dr. Jakub Korejba (Independent Researcher, Lublin, Poland)

Kubilayhan Erman (Assoc. Prof., Independent Researcher, İzmir, Türkiye)

Tutku Dilaver (Analyst, Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM))

Hossein Ebrahim Khani (Research Fellow, Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), Tehran, Iran)

Ali Oğuz Diriöz (Assoc. Prof., International Entrepreneurship Department, TOBB Economy and Technology University, Ankara, Türkiye)

Gizem Aymış (Undergraduate Student, International Entrepreneurship Department, TOBB Economy and Technology University, Ankara, Türkiye)