The Second Congress of Armenian Studies gathered in Ankara on 29-30 May 2004. More than 130 academicians and several speakers from different institutions participated. The papers presented at the Congress will be published by the Institute of Armenian Studies.
The sixth issue of the Review of Armenian Studies begins with Facts and Comments by Ambassador (Ret.) Ömer E. LÜTEM. LÜTEM provides a comprehensive analysis of several topics ranging from Turkish-Armenian and Turkish-Azerbaijani relations to the recent developments in Turkey, Europe and America on the Armenian issue. He also pays attention to the Second Congress of Armenian Studies. Facts and Comments of Issue 6 ends with the announcement of a forthcoming meeting of prominent Turkish and Armenian scholars to discuss the Armenian issue.
The writing of history, namely historiography, and particularly Armenian Historiography composes the research question of Prof. Dr. Aygün ATTAR’s article. The writer focuses mainly on the influence of the Armenian church on Armenian historiography.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahattin DARTMA tries to ascertain the facts about Noah’s Ark in terms of where it might have anchored. With his study on the speculations, he makes interesting arguments that might draw the attention of readers.
The concept of social memory and the role of Armenian mass media in the composition of social memory on the Armenian problem are the focus in the next article. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen KARACA considers the possibility of replacing an existing social memory by a newly fabricated one.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Memet YETİŞGİN refers to the events in Mara? during the French occupation and the Turkish Independence War. He gives room to the standpoints of Armenians, the French and the Turks.
Res. Assist. Özgür SARI analyzes the secularization of the Armenians in the Ottoman territory and their nation building process in relation to the Great Powers.
Issue 6 includes an essay by Etrüsk TÜRKER. A book review and a section for the introduction of recently published books are the final sections of this issue.
The Editor
Editorial Note : p.5
Ömer E. LÜTEM - "Facts and Comments" : p. 7
Prof. Dr. Aygün ATTAR - "Armenian Historiography" : p. 29
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahattin DARTMA - "The Views on Where Noah's Ark Anchored" : p. 43
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen KARACA - "The Role of the Armenian Mass Media in Composing Social Memory Concerning "the Armenian Problem" :p. 54
Assist. Prof. Dr. Memet YETİŞGİN - "Turkish-Armenian Relations under the French Occupation in Mara" : p. 63
Res. Assist. Özgür SARI - "The Nation Building Process of the Armenians in Eastern Anatolia and the Role of the Great Powers in this Process" : p 84
Etrüsk TÜRKER - "The Other Side of the Coin" : p.91
Prof. Dr. Aygün ATTAR
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahattin DARTMA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen KARACA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Memet YETİŞGİN
Res. Assist. Özgür SARI