Avrasya Dünyası / Eurasian World - Sayı / Issue: 6

Avrasya Dünyası / Eurasian World

Number : 6
Year : 2020
Price : 20.00 TL

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Editor's Note

Dear Readers,

Periodic publications could be likened to a ship. Like ships weighing anchor and setting sail for the first time, periodicals, too, set sail to the open seas of their publication lives after finalizing the necessary preparations. All kinds of possibilities and challenges may appear in this journey. We, in our short publication life, of course could not foresee that we might face a great catastrophe, that is, the Coronavirus pandemic, which affects our country, as well as the entire world. However, the challenge was there. We are glad that we were able to resist tough and difficult circumstances emanating from that challenge and could do our job. We hope you will enjoy the sixth issue of the “Eurasian World.” From the start we apologize for the mistakes we might have made under difficult conditions.

Few words about the content of this issue. We maintain the new approach that we followed in the last issue. Just like we had focused on the Balkans in the Eurasian region, this time we determined Central Asia - as the eastern wing of Eurasia - as the central theme of this issue. Like we did for the Balkans, in this issue, too, we present Central Asia under a heading with four articles. We believe that the one that addresses Turkestan among those four articles, while presenting the reality of Turkestan as a whole, also sheds light on its organic links with Central Asia.

We hope to continue our approach, which could be defined as zooming onto the regions within Eurasia, in our upcoming issues taking into account the close interest of our readers.

While presenting the sixth issue of “Eurasian World,” once again, we would like to express our gratitude to our readers for their views, interest and contributions. We wish healthy and happy days clear of the Coronavirus disaster.

Yiğit Alpogan



“Bildiğimiz Dünya’nın Sonu mu? Münih Güvenlik Konferansı’nın Düşündürdükleri,” Turgut Kerem Tuncel

“Augmenting Russian and Chinese Interests in the Baltic Countries, is it out of Friendship Only?” Kristijonas Medelis

“Eastern Mediterranean, a Hotbed of Tensions: Perennial Problem of Cyprus and A New Zero-Sum Game for Hydrocarbon Resources,” Teoman Ertuğrul Tulun

“Tarihi Süreçte Türkistan: Batı Türkistan (Orta Asya) ve Doğu Türkistan (Sincan Uygur Özerk Bölgesi),” Gülperi Güngör

“The European Union’s New Strategy for Central Asia: A Game Changer or More of the Same?” Fabienne Bossuyt

“Gelişen Türk Keneşi (Türk Konseyi),” Berfin Mahide Ertekin

“Hungary’s Opening towards the Turkic World,” Zoltán Egeresi

“Western Balkans 6 (WB6): How Did It All Begin?” Igor Luksic

“Strategic Competition in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geopolitics of Maritime Delimitation,” Eray Erbil - Begüm Baydar


Turgut Kerem Tuncel (Senior Analyst, Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM))

Kristijonas Medelis (Analyst, Wikistrat, Vilnius, Lithuania)

Teoman Ertuğrul Tulun (Analyst, Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM))

Gülperi Güngör (Visiting Scholar, Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM))

Fabienne Bossuyt (Assist. Prof., Department of Political Science, Ghent University, Belgium)

Berfin Mahide Ertekin (Visiting Scholar, Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM))

Zoltán Egeresi (Research Fellow, Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary)

Igor Luksic (Prime Minister (December 2010-December 2012), Montenegro)

Eray Erbil (PhD Student, Middle East Technical University, Ankara)

Begüm Baydar (Member, Foundation for International Economic Research and Studies (ECONFO), Ankara)