The Review of Armenian Studies Journal has reached its tenth year with this edition.
When the articles in the Journal of Ermeni Araştırmaları (Armenian Studies), which had first started being published in Turkish in 2001, had also drawn great interest from outside of Turkey, we thought it suitable to publish a journal in English as well regarding the same issue and we published the Review of Armenian Studies Journal at the end of 2002. Apart from purely original articles, the translations of some of the articles published in the Ermeni Araştırmaları Journal also exist in this journal. This journal, which was first published three times a year, but is now published twice a year, has reached its 25th issue. To provide some statistical information, not including this issue, a total of 107 articles have been published in the total of 3.335 pages of the Journal on the Armenian question and Turkey-Armenia relations. At the end of this issue, an index of the articles published so far could be found.
Review of Armenian Studies is a refereed journal. As long as being scientific and unbiased, it is open to everyone’s articles. As a matter of fact, besides the articles of well known professors, writings of doctoral students have also been published in the journal.
We express our gratitude to all writers who have contributed to Review of Armenian Studies within the last ten years and hope that this journal will continue to be published as long as the Armenian question continues to exist.
Since this issue of our journal is the special one, compared to the former issues, there is twice the number of articles published. These articles deal with a variety of subjects that we can summarize, according to the alphabetical order of their authors name, as follows: Social Darwinism and the Eastern Question (Buenos), Armenian claims from the perspective of International Criminal Law (Elekdağ), Karabakh conflict (Görgülü), Evacuation of Cilicia by France and Armenian civilians (Gauin), the origins of Armenian terrorism (Gunn), Armenian nationalism and delusions (Karaca), Armenia’s foreign policy (Kasım), recent developments in the Armenian question and in Turkey-Armenia relations (Lütem), issues missed in the 1915 Armenian debate (Özdemir), Armenian genocide memorials in the world (Şahin), history-writing like a battlefield (Salt), the need for compassion in Turkey-Armenia relations (Sanberk), review of Guenter Lewy’s Book “The Armenian massacres in Ottoman Turkey” (Turan) and France’s entanglement in the Armenian genocide issue (Yakış).
With best regards
The Editor
Editorial Note (Editörün Notu): p. 5
Tal BUENOS – “Social Darwinism and the Eastern Question” (“Sosyal Darwinizim ve Doğu Sorunu”): p. 7
Şükrü ELEKDAĞ – “An Assessment of Armenian Claims from the Perspective of International Criminal Law” (“Dağlık Karabağ İhtilafı: Geciktirilmiş bir Çatışma"): p. 23
Aybars GÖRGÜLÜ – “The Dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh: A Protracted Conflict” (“Dağlık Karabağ İhtilafı: Geciktirilmiş bir Çatışma"): p. 47
Maxime GAUIN – “How to Create a Problem of Refugees: The Evacuation of Cilicia by France and the Flow of Armenian Civilians (1921-1922)” (“Mülteci Sorunu Nasıl Yaratılır? Fransaʼnın Kilikyaʼyı Tahliyesi ve Sivil Ermenilerin Gidişi 1921-1922): p. 67
Christopher GUNN – “Intra- Or International Violence? The Origins of Armenian Terrorism” (“Ulusal ya da Uluslararası Şiddet? Ermeni Terörizminin Kökenleri"): p. 103
Birsen KARACA – “Delusions Resulting from Nationalist Viewpoints and Armenian Allegations” (“Milliyetçi Bakış Açılarının Neden Olduğu Yanılsamalar ve Ermeni İddiaları"): p. 117
Kamer KASIM – “Armeniaʼs Foreign Policy: Small State Irredentism” (“KErmenistanʼın Dış Politikası: Küçük Devlet Ayrılıkçılığı"): p. 133
Ömer Engin LÜTEM – “Facts and Comments” (“Olaylar ve Yorumlar”): p. 151
Hikmet ÖZDEMİR – “Issues Missed in the 1915 Armenian Debate” (“1915 Ermeni Tartışmasında Gözden Kaçan Hususlar"): p. 217
Enis ŞAHİN – “A Different Dimension of Turcophobia: “Armenian Genocide Memorials in the World” (“Türk Düşmanlığıʼnın Bir Başka Yüzü: Dünya Üzerindeki “Soykırım” Anıtları"): p. 245
Jeremy SALT – “Notes from the Battlefield Known as ʻHistoryʼ” (“ʻTarihʼ Olarak Bilinen Savaş Alanından Notlar"): p. 265
Özdem SANBERK – “Turkey and Armenia: The Need for Compassion with Common Sense” (“ʻTürkiye ve Ermenistan: Merhametli bir Ortak Akla İhtiyaç"): p. 277
Ömer TURAN – “The First American Academic Book Critical of the Armenian “Genocide Thesis”” (“ʻErmeni Soykırımı Tezlerini Eleştiren İlk Amerikan Akademik Kitabı"): p. 283
Yaşar YAKIŞ – “Franceʼs Entanglement in the Armenian Genocide Issue” (“Fransaʼnın “Ermeni Soykırımı” Tartışmasında Kayboluşu"): p. 289
Maxime GAUIN
Christopher GUNN
Ömer Engin LÜTEM
Jeremy SALT