We feel proud over the twelfth anniversary of the Review of Armenian Studies. The journal not only covers the Turkey-Armenia relations but also many other topics about Armenians and Armenia.
The main topic of the Facts and Comments in this issue is the current relations between Turkey and Armenia. Together with the fact that there has not been any development regarding reconciliation between the two countries, Armenia demands Turkey to recognize the genocide claims. Moreover, Armenia mentions issues that have already been settled a long time ago such as the returning of the properties and paying compensation, which might create new problems. The second topic in Facts and Comments is Serzh Sargsyan’s election as the president for a second time despite claims of fraud. If Sargsyan continues with the policies he followed the first five years, the chance to attain the necessary security and cooperation in Caucasus will be low.
Last but not least, the 2013 24 April commemoration events in the USA, France, Armenia and Turkey are featured in the article.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Emin Şıhaliev from Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences studies the position of the Turkish Civilization among other civilizations and clashes between Western and Turkish civilizations and indicates that the Armenian issue is a consequence of this clash in his article “The Armenian Question in the Context of the Clash of Civilisations and Geopolitical Interests, its Impact on Armenia-Azerbaijani Relations and Vision of the Near Future”. Moreover, he points out the fact that the Karabakh conflict raises the chance of a war as it hasn’t been resolved the last 20 years and examines how such a scenario would influence Azerbaijan.
In his article, August 2008 Lessons for the Karabakh Conflict, Araz Aslanlı examines the changes in Caucasia caused by Russia’s August 2008 attack on Georgia, brings forward what kind of risks that unresolved problems may introduce in the Caucasus, argues that the Karabakh conflict is in a new phase as Azerbaijan has a stronger military power and it might use its right to defend itself. The article makes a review of the situation in Karabakh as well as the chances for resolution and proposes some suggestions in light of the previous comments.
Konur Alp Koçak examines how the Armenian Allegations influence the legislative activities in the USA in his article, Congress and Presidency: The Nature of the Legislative-Executive Relationship in the US and its Reflection on Attempts Towards Legislation in Regards to the Armenian Question. He explains how the President earns the priority of determining the foreign policy of the country after a struggle with the Congress and that the situation yields undesirable consequences for Armenians.
In the first years of the Karabakh Conflict, Turkish authorities and diplomats showed great efforts to find a peaceful solution for the problem. The Minsk Group which was founded for that purpose and of which Turkey is also a member, handed down its authority to three co-chairmen (the USA, Russia and France). As a result, Turkey’s initiatives got weaker and over time disappeared. Although the co-chairmen came up with several suggestions, they were not successful as the co-chairmen lacked the power to impose them on the parties. We decided to publish in our journal the information we could gather on the efforts of the Turkish diplomacy at that time spent in order to resolve the issue. In this issue, articles by three retired Ambassadors who worked on the issue are published under the title the “Karabakh File”.
Center for Eurasian Studies started to hold some “brain storming” conferences. We begin to publish the transcripts of these conferences in English under the title AVİM Conferences.
In this issue, the speech delivered at the conference entitled “Regional Integrated Transport Corridors Project” by Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Fatih Ceylan and another speech by Berris Ekinci, Deputy Director General of Energy, Water and Environmental Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Turkey’s Energy Strategy and Its Contribution to Global Energy Security” can be found.
The transcript of our second conference that includes the speech by Ambassador Naci Koru, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey about Turkey-Asia relations entitled “A General Look at Asia and Turkey’s Priorities” and speech by Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı on Turkish Foreign Policy and Asia are also given in this issue.
It has been 40 years since ASALA murdered two Turkish diplomats, General Consul Mehmet Baydar and Consul Bahadir Demir, and began its monstrous campaign against Turkey. You will find the transcript of a conference speech delivered by Christopher Gunn from the Florida State University on the 40th year commemoration of the assassinations of our two martyr diplomats on January 27, 1973 by Gourgen Yanikian in this issue.
Lastly, in this issue a book review by Dr. Yıldız Deveci Bozkuş of the book “The Role of Assyrians in the XII and XIII Century Within the Culture of The Armenians in Cilicia” written by the first President of Armenia, Levon Ter Petrosyan is also published.
Best Regards,
The editor.
Editorial Note (Editörün Notu): p. 5
Ömer Engin LÜTEM – “Facts and Comments” (“Olaylar ve Yorumlar”): p. 7
Araz ASLANLI – “August 2008 Lessons for the Karabakh Conflict” (“Ağustos 2008ʼden Çıkarılacak Karabağ Dersleri”): p. 59
Emin ŞIHALIYEV – “The Armenian Question in the Context of the Clash of Civilizations and Geopolitical Interests, Its Impact on Armenia-Azerbaijani Relations and Vision of the Near Future” (“Medeniyetler ve Jeopolitik Çıkarlar Çatışması Bağlamında Ermeni Sorunu, Ermenistan-Azerbaycan İlişkilerine Etkisi ve Yakın Gelecek Vizyonu”): p. 89
Konur Alp KOÇAK – “Superior President vs. Submissive Congress: Relations Between Legislative and Executive in the US and its Reflection on the “Armenian Genocide” Bills” (“Üstün Başkan Uysal Kongre Karşı Karşıya: ABDʼdeki Yasama-Yürütme Arasındaki İlişki ve Bunun “Ermeni Soykırımı” Yasa Tekliflerine Yansıması): p. 131
Selçuk KORKUD – “Karabakh Conflict: Still Same Facts” (“Karabağ Anlaşmazlığı: Hala Aynı Gerçekler"): p. 193
Ali Hikmet ALP – “Co-Chairmanship System of the Minsk Group” (“Minsk Grubu Eş Başkanlık Sistemi"): p. 197
Candan AZER – “The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and the Minsk Group” (“Dağlık Karabağ Çatışması ve Minsk Grubu"): p. 203
H.E. Ambassador Fatih CEYLAN – “Regional Integrated Transport Corridors Project” (“DBölgesel Entegre Ulaştırma Koridorları Projesi"): p. 235
Berris EKİNCİ – “Turkeyʼs Energy Strategy and its Contribution to Global Energy Security” (“Türkiyeʼnin Enerji Stratejisi ve Küresel Enerji Güvenliğine Katkısı"): p. 245
H.E. Ambassador Naci KORU – “TA General Look at Asia and Turkeyʼs Priorities” (“Asya'ya Genel Bir Bakış ve Türkiye'nin Öncelikleri"): p. 249
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI – “Turkish Foreign Policy and Asia” (“Türk Dış Politikası ve Asya"): p. 260
Christopher GUNN – “Commemoration for the 40th Year of the First Victims of ASALA” (“ASALA'nın İlk Kurbanları için 40ncı Yıl Anma Töreni"): p. 267
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Deveci BOZKUŞ – “The Role of Assyrians in the XII and XIII Century Within the Culture of the Armenians in Cilicia” (“12 ve 13ncü Yüzyıllarda Asurilerin Kilikya Ermenilerinin Kültüründeki Rolü"): p. 275
Ömer Engin LÜTEM
Konur Alp KOÇAK
Ali Hikmet ALP
Candan AZER
H.E. Ambassador Fatih CEYLAN
H.E. Ambassador Naci KORU
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI
Christopher GUNN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Deveci BOZKUŞ