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Our last issue in the 2020, 67th issue  which contains 1 editorial, 4 research article and 1 book review has been published.

As always, the editorial titled “Olaylar ve Yorumlar” (Facts and Comments) covers Turkey-Armenia relations as well as domestic and international developments of Armenia in the period of August to December of 2020. This period has witnessed disastrous developments for Armenia. Kılıç explored the topics such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the worsening economy, raising nationalism, and the war broken out at a result of the Armenian aggression in his article.

The first article in this issue written by Taner Aslan is titled “Van Ermeni Murahhasa Vekili Altcıyan Kirkor’un Lahiyası Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler” (Some Thoughts on the Report of the Van Armenian Delegate Altcıyan Kirkor). Aslan studied the report by Artciyan Kirkor, the Armenian delegate of Van province on the activities of Armenian Committees in the Anatolia. The Altciyan Kirkor’s claims in this report were evaluated by comparing with national police archives. When the wishes mentioned in this report on the behalf of Armenian society is considered, it is understood that these were not about the real problem of the society.

The second article in this issue is titled “Tarihten Günümüze Borçalı Bölgesine Ermeni İddiaları ve Bölgenin Türk (Azerbaycanlı) Ahalisi” (Armenian Claims on the Borchali Region from History to Present times and the Turkish (Azerbaijani) People of the Region)and written by Samira Habibbayli. Habibbayli enlightened the political history of the Borchali region and the demographic changes in there.

The third article titled “Sovyetler Birliği’nde Milli Marşlar Üzerinden Komünizm Propagandası: Ermenistan Üzerine İnceleme” (The Communism Propaganda through the National Anthems in the Soviet Union: A Study on Armenia) is written by Derya Karaburun Doğan, Mehmet Ali Gazi and Caner Çakı. It is an interdisciplinary study on how communist propaganda was made through the national anthem in the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Fourth article written by Ömer Çakmak is titled “On Yedinci Yüzyılda Osmanlı Topraklarında Bir Tüccar Grubu: Agulisli Ermeni Tüccarlar” (A Merchant Group in Ottoman Territories in Seventeenth Century: Armenian Merchants from Agulis). Ömer Çakmak as a writer, focused on  Armenian merchants and their commercial activities in the Ottoman empire in his article. It is a leading study on the commercial life of the Armenian society in the Ottoman Empire.

Finally, in the 67th issue, Oğuzhan Er reviewed the book titled “19.Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Ermeni Entelektüeller” (Armenian Intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century) written by Yıldız Deveci Bozkuş.

Have a nice reading.

