Commentary No : 2015 / 99
3 min read

Center for Eurasian Studies (AVIM)


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Managing Editor’s email:



The Review of Armenian Studies is a biannual academic journal that was established with the aim of publishing academic papers to stimulate inter-disciplinary debate between academics and practitioners on topics relating to Armenian Studies. Since 2001, 31 issues of Review of Armenian Studies have been published. The Review of Armenian Studies invites paper submissions on any subject related to the journal’s scope of research, which include:

- Historical, political, and social research on the Events of 1915

- The various aspects of the dispute over the Events of 1915

- Politics in the Armenian world (in Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora)

- Culture and society in the Armenian world (in Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora)

- Bilateral relations of Armenia with other countries

- Regional and international politics of Armenia

Articles submitted for publication are subject to peer review. The journal’s language is English. Review of Armenian Studies accepts academic research that has not been previously submitted to another journal for publication. Submissions must be written in accordance with the standards put forward by the journal, and with a clear and concise language.

Review of Armenian Studies is indexed by EBSCO and TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM.


Manuscript Submission

Please submit manuscripts via e-mail to Managing Editor Mehmet Oğuzhan Tulun via

Review of Armenian Studies welcomes the submission of manuscripts as articles and book reviews.

Articles should range from 6,000 to 18,000 words and should be approximately 10-30 single-spaced pages in length (including footnotes and bibliography). Articles must be word processed using Microsoft Word, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and should be single-spaced throughout allowing good (1-1/2 inch) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially. There should be a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings. Quotations with more than 40 words should be indented from both the left and right margins.

The title page of the article should include the following information:

- Article title

- Names and affiliations of all contributing authors

- Full address for correspondence, including telephone and email address

- Abstract: please provide a short summary of up to 300 words.

- Keywords: please provide 5 key words in alphabetical order, suitable for indexing. Ideally, these words will not have appeared in the title.

Book reviews should range from 1,200 to 2,400 words and should be approximately 2-4 single-spaced pages in length (including footnotes), and should be on recently published books on related subjects. Book reviews must be word processed using Microsoft Word, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and should be single-spaced throughout allowing good (1-1/2 inch) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially.

Book reviews should have a title. The details of the book under review should be listed with the following details:

- First and last name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) of the book under review.

- Title of book

- Year of publication

- Place of publication

- Publisher

- Number of pages

- Language of the book

- Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available.

We are now welcoming contributions for the 32nd issue of this journal.

Complete submissions are due November 15, 2015.

The editorial office will make every effort to deal with submissions to the journal as quickly as possible. All papers will be acknowledged on receipt by email.

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