Prof. Dr. Nejla Günay’ın “Birinci Dünya Savaşı Öncesinde Ortaya Çıkan İngiltere-Rusya İttifakının Ermeni Islahatına ve Kürt-Ermeni İlişkilerine Etkisi” adlı makalesinde, 19. yüzyılda Osmanlı ...
AB Konseyi ile Birliğin yasa yapıcı kurumu olan ve AB bütçesine onay veren Avrupa Parlamentosuna girecek 705 milletvekili 5 yılda bir seçiliyor. 6-9 ...
European Union policymakers are proud of their "strategic compass" to boost the bloc's defence and security.
On May 14, 2023, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian Counterpart Vladimir Putin agreed on the construction of a railway line between ...
On May 3, Turkey suddenly closed its airspace to Armenian aircraft. Later, former Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu announced that Ankara had indeed ...
The Debt Ceiling issue, which means the maximum amount of money the US government can borrow by issuing bonds to pay for federal ...
Troubling support for Armenian terrorism has been ongoing since the end of nineteenth century. Since 1991, it has enjoyed various forms of justification ...
On May 18, 2023, China started its first-ever Central Asia Summit in the ancient city of Xian, the terminal of the ancient Silk ...
On Saturday, 29 April, a ceremony was held on the 107th anniversary of the Victory at Kut al-Amara (Siege of Kut) at the ...
Although Türkiye is historically and geographically a European country, it is not the part of the European Union that today constitutes the legal ...
29 Nisan Cumartesi günü Irak’ın başkenti Bağdat’ın güneyindeki Vasıt (Kut) Vilayetinde bulunan Türk Şehitliği’nde Kut’ül Amare Zaferi’nin 107. yıldönümü vesilesiyle bir tören düzenlenmiştir.
Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasına kadar, Türkiye’nin bölge ile temas ve bağlantısı görece zayıftı. Ancak, SSCB’nin 1991’de dağılması, Türkiye ve Orta Asya ilişkileri ...
Until the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Türkiye’s contacts and connectivity in the region were relatively low. Nevertheless, the ...
Situated at the crossroads between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, the Caucasus region is heavily influenced by these two ...
The installation of a border crossing point on the Lachin Corridor should not have come as a surprise. Azerbaijan has been strikingly patient ...
Central Asia, a strategic region due to its location and rich energy resources, has moved to the limelight. It has various reasons, such ...
Konumu ve zengin enerji kaynakları sebebiyle stratejik bir bölge olan Orta Asya ilgi odağı haline gelmiştir. Bunun hidrokarbon kaynakları ve bölgenin transit noktası ...
A few days ago, armed clashes led to several Armenian and Azerbaijani servicemen being killed or injured on the Armenia-Azerbaijan undemarcated border...
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