Amidst the geopolitical repercussions of ongoing war in Ukraine, the Eurasian connectivity is again in focus. It does not only fall on the ...
Sovyet Hükümeti, 1948 yılının sonunda yurtdışındaki Ermenilerin Sovyet Ermenistanı’nın sınırları içine yerleştirilmesi işlemlerini durdurdu. Stalin, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne yönelik olan toprak iddialarını gerçekleştirmek için ...
Eurasia is a portmanteau word expressing the land mass of two continents named Asia and Europe by the ancient Greeks.
Türkiye-Macaristan ilişkilerinin geçmişinden başlayacak olursak 1456 ile savaş dönemleri başladı denilebilir.
These currents of polycrisis – the war in Ukraine, post-pandemic aftershocks, and the first global economic warfare – expose countries of the region, ...
Tarihi ticaret yolları ile modern boru hatlarının, imparatorlukların mirasının ve günümüz stratejik emellerinin sahnesi Karadeniz'in hikayesidir. Kıtalar ve kültürler arasında tarihi bir köprü ...
In recent years, the leaders of former colonial countries have begun a process of redemption and confrontation with the past by acknowledging their ...
India’s robust relationship with Armenia may be put on hold by the shift in the Caucasus’ balance of power.
The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is a joint regional endeavour carried out between twelve European Union (EU) states mainly within the region around ...
The Black Sea's story is one of ancient trade routes and modern pipelines, a legacy of empires and a theater for today's strategic ...
Eski sömürgeci ülkelerin liderleri, son yıllarda, önceki asırlarda sömürdükleri ülkelere yaptıkları sembolik teessür ziyaretleri bünyesinde, geçmişte yaptıkları mezalimi kabul ile, bu konuda duydukları ...
Nowadays, the rivalry between great powers has become intense. The chip wars, the tension in the Southern China Sea and rivalling connectivity and development ...
The Organization of Turkic States, initiated back in early 1990s, is an intergovernmental institution that aims to create cooperation in politics, economics, culture and ...
The Egyptian government declared that the country is planning to build a 114 km long artificial river in the northwest of the country. ...
Azerbaijan launched a military assault on Armenian-controlled Karabakh not with the goals of genocide or committing ethnic cleansing, two common accusations in the ...
We have read the recent article of Dr. Vahan Tootikian in Armenian Weekly called ¨The Armenian Press¨. Giving information on the Armenian Press, Dr. ...
Environment pollution and climate change are some of the most complex issues that can cause severe problems such as migration, undermining economic growth ...
United Nations (UN) have since 1948 adopted several resolutions to monitor, appease or settle conflicts at various parts of the world with peacekeeping ...
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