Recent clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan have served as an impetus for a new wave of violence that could worsen the closer Yerevan ...
The top EU diplomat’s poisonous analogy of Europe as a garden and the world as an invading jungle inverts history.
Pushback. The word sounds so harmless. Just a nudge, given to someone encroaching on your personal space. It sounds deserved, push-back, as if ...
Türkiye and Poland seem to be geographically and culturally far apart, but political circumstances may shortly convince them to pay each other more ...
9 Eylül 2022 tarihinde CENTCOM Komutanı General Erik Kurilla, Suriye'deki El-Hol Mülteci Kampına bir ziyaret gerçekleştirmiş ve öncesinde IŞİD/DEAŞ'ın yeni kaynaklar elde etmek ...
The CENTCOM, with its full name United States Central Command, is a part of the US Military and it’s aim is to protect ...
The EU border agency Frontex has sought to cover up human rights violations for several years, but an investigation by the European anti-fraud ...
Covid-19 pandemisinin hâlihazırda darbe vurmuş olduğu küresel tedarik zincirleri, Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya karşı sürdürmekte olduğu savaş ile ikinci bir darbe almıştır. Söz konusu savaş ...
Particularly due to the war and the pandemic, the competitiveness of the Northern Corridor was weakened. In contrast, the Middle Corridor, which is ...
After referendums held on 23 September in the occupied regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Moscow is about to annex a part of ...
Thirty years before Bucha, before the massacre in Srebrenica, mass graves were dug and filled with thousands of civilian victims in a conflict ...
Türkiye and Eastern Europe have a long history of interaction behind them. This interaction seems to be entering a new phase.
Government change in Italy may lead to a big discussion on the European Union’s future. One that Europe desperately needs if it wants ...
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